#3: Extropic - Why Thermodynamic Computing is the Future of AI (PUBLIC DEBUT)

#3: Extropic - Why Thermodynamic Computing is the Future of AI (PUBLIC DEBUT)

You can't escape thermal fluctuations. They just inevitably become

significant. So in some sense, like, extropic is a little

Why don't we just create physics-based computing systems that harness

the noise from environments? To us, from first principles of

mathematics, information theory, probability theory, physics, thermodynamics, this

is the future. Hopefully this podcast is like the beginning of a new revolution.

Alrighty, everybody. Welcome to an emergency episode of the First Principles

podcast. We're coming to you on a Sunday

night because we need to understand what the heck Extropic

is building. They've just launched their light paper. Not a white paper, but

a light paper. It is a great introduction to what they're doing and

I've tried my best to dive into it, but I'm actually sort of at this perfect you

know, in between points. Sometimes I know, like, basically everything about what a

company's building before they come on the podcast. In this case, I have lots of questions still.

I actually don't totally understand what the hell you all are building. So

I'm excited to learn. I'm excited for everybody to watch me learn. And I'm just going to throw as many dumb

questions as I can out there. So welcome to the show, guys.

Thanks so much, Christian. Excited to be here. Love your shows. Couldn't be

more excited to share more with the world today about what we've been building

sort of in secret. This is just the beginning of us getting people excited about this

thermodynamic paradigm of computing. And hopefully this podcast is like the

beginning of a new revolution. I'm sure some of your listeners probably

have seen one of my identities. flowing about

online during daytime. I am Guillaume Verdon. I'm

formerly a research scientist in quantum computing, co-founded the TensorFlow Quantum

Project with Trevor here. Back when we were in school,

used to be a theoretical physicist at Perimeter, ended up being a pioneer of

quantum machine learning, which is a field where You use

quantum computers to do a form of physics-based AI

to understand quantum mechanical matter around us, which

is, you know, that's my previous life. Now, essentially,

I'm founder and CEO of Xtropic, and started

this new physics-based computing paradigm and also happened to

run a little thing called EAC to some extent, as

much as one can run it or be very involved since the

beginning. And that's a techno-optimist movement. And

that's sort of the dual identities that many people are

familiar with. But I'll let Trevor

give more of a bio here. I think people are pretty familiar with my

Yeah, I'm definitely not as online as you. Basically,

I'm an engineer who got swept into Guillaume's field. No,

so I met Guillaume back when I was doing my mechanical engineering degree at

Waterloo, which is clearly the best engineering school in North America.

We love our Waterloo interns. I was doing a mechanical engineering

degree. I mostly did manufacturing kind of stuff before

I met him. I worked at a little company called Formlabs, did some stuff

with linear motors. Then I met Guillaume, and he was like, Trevor, do you want

to work on quantum machine learning? And I was like, I have no idea what that is, but

it sounds cool. So that proposal

turned into the Google product that Guillaume was talking about, and

then I got sucked into the quantum hardware physics

and engineering lab down in Santa Barbara. And I did a couple

of years there working on device engineering, modeling,

studying the effect of noise on quantum computers, calibration, control,

pulse sequences, that kind of thing. And after that,

went on to MIT for a bit and got a call from an old friend and

had to come help him out at Xtropic. So yeah, I'm happy to be here. It's been

Absolutely. You guys want to give us the 101, just the highest level. We're

going to dive super deep and feel free in this explanation to

use a bunch of words that people might not know, because then later we'll dive in and try

I mean, essentially, Trevor and I have had

this career trying to build ways to program quantum mechanical

computers, where you try to embed computational tasks into

quantum mechanical physics, right? Quantum is, we're going

to dive into the contrast between quantum and thermo in a sec, but Quantum

is really, you have things in superposition that the physics of the very, very

small and the very, very, very, very cold, ideally as cold as possible,

ideally zero temperature. And there you

get to program the physics of matter,

usually matter or light, and you learn

to embed sort of programs that are parameterized, just

like neural networks. Neural networks have parameters that you train with all

sorts of algorithms that usually use gradients. And that's

kind of where we came from. We brought differentiable programming thinking

to quantum computing. We were very early on on that. There was no software

doing it at the time. And that was our project. And

then in quantum computing hardware,

there you have, the reality is that

you can't cool down a quantum computer to zero temperature, right? And so there's

a mismatch between the program you want to run and the actual physics

of the hardware. The program you want to run runs at zero

temperature, theoretically, and the hardware has finite

temperature. But what does having finite temperature mean? It just means

that things are jiggling. Things are unpredictable. There's entropy. There's uncertainty that

gets injected in your system because your system interacts with the environment,

and we call that noise, right? And so fighting

noise has been the quest to scale quantum computing

so far, and it's been the bane of the

existence of many scientists. So Trevor's background was

sort of at the very lowest level, how you make the

quantum bits dance. Can you filter out noise? Can you deal

with noise? There at the lowest level, I

was more involved at the algorithms and architectures level where

In quantum computing, you try to do a process called quantum error

correction, where you detect errors, detect these

sort of injections of errors, and undo them, right?

And you've got to keep track of how they spread in your computer. The problem

is they're often, by trying to fix the problem, you make it worse. If

the thing trying to fix the problem adds more noise than was there before. And

so, your quantum bits have to be of sufficient

quality, they have to be low enough noise so that it's worth doing

this error correcting process. And this error correcting

process you can view as a form of refrigeration, right? Really,

you're pumping entropy out, you're using energy to pump entropy out

of the system. And so we saw sort of the

road ahead for quantum computing was very long, you

know, reaching the level where you have a very large scale computer where

you're below that threshold of noise where it's worth scaling

up. There's a long road ahead for that. And

we sort of lost patience there. And we're like, well, if you can't beat them, join them,

right? If you can't beat the noise, you should use

it, right? And so we were thinking, Well,

what if we could use the noise? These general AI algorithms, right?

The parent concept is probabilistic machine learning algorithms.

All these algorithms want to be probabilistic, right?

And so they want this sort of entropy and uncertainty present. And

it turns out that even when we run things on digital computers that

are nearly perfect, right? They're deterministic. we

end up sprinkling in noise at sort of a very abstract level in

our software later on, right? Not at the sort of analog

hardware level. And so it seemed like we do all this effort, just

like in quantum computing, we have all this effort to keep things pristine, right?

And in digital computing, You use a lot of power and

energy so that your system is hard to disrupt. The

noise of the environment is trivial compared to the amplitudes of the signals. And

so there, things are very, relatively

to the amplitude of the signals, not so noisy. But then at

the algorithmic level, you add the noise again. So we were like, why don't we just simplify

that and just create physics-based computing

systems that harness the noise from environments

sort of above the sort of temperatures and noise levels of quantum

computers, but noisier and

lower power than deterministic computers. So it's kind of

this in between, right? So we're trying to build a new paradigm of computing from

the middle out in terms of scales. Had to

That's kind of a top-down explanation. There's also a bottom-up

version that's pretty compelling. Yeah, go ahead. If you look at what it takes

to keep making computational devices smaller, what

you find, and it doesn't really matter what the device is, what you find is when

you make it sufficiently small, you can't escape thermal

fluctuations. they just inevitably become significant,

right? And so if we want to keep scaling computes

smaller and smaller, it's actually inevitable that you have to

go into this thermal or probabilistic regime, right?

And this is becoming, you know, if you look at the data for

like digital computer scaling, you can see that the

rate of exponential growth in efficiency of

computing technology is starting to slow down. And

that's because you're starting to hit some of these effects. There's a ton of reasons

why it's hard to make transistors small, but a lot of them come down to

the fact that these thermal fluctuations are starting to get really big. So

I expect within the next several

generations of transistor technology, you're

going to have to start looking at some of the things we are. So in some

sense, Extropic is a little bit inevitable, and

we're just trying to front run the danger

Yeah, that's really interesting, because you've hit on two different types

of computing. The top-down answer kind of came at it from the quantum angle, and

then this bottom-up one that you just answered, those are just normal

digital chips or whatever that we're talking about, just normal digital transistors. I

would love to take this conversation sort of piece by piece. Maybe let's start with

the first paradigm, which is just normal computing. talk about what

are those chips, like how are they, you know, they're getting down to the nanometer,

like single low digit, like two or three nanometer size

now. So let's talk about that. And then let's talk about quantum and then we can kind of use

that to bridge over into thermal. But on the

quantum, so on the classical note then, do you mind just telling us how these

algorithms and, you know, all this, you know, neural network stuff

is run today? Like, what are those chips? Like, what do they look like? How do they work? And

So to start at the very, very low level, right, what

is a transistor? Yeah, exactly. A transistor is

actually many things depending on what kind of voltages you

put into it. But in the regime that digital computers operate today, transistors

are switches, right? And you network these switches together

to do digital logic. And so The mathematical abstract

thing you're trying to do is Boolean logic, and the way

you embed that in physics is by driving transistors

really hard. And so that's how computers today work, right?

So you're taking these kind of inherently fuzzy

devices, right? They're made out of real matter, so they're fuzzy.

And you're applying very large signals to them so that they behave like

this mathematically abstract object of

Boolean logic that you want. Right? So that's kind of

how digital computers work. If you want to run, let's

say, a sampling algorithm on a digital computer,

which is what a lot of probabilistic algorithms come

down to, that's kind of like one of the main subroutines, because

the dynamics of your device are completely deterministic, right?

They're operating in this kind of high signal regime where the natural fluctuations

of nature aren't important. you have to generate pseudo-randomness,

which is instead of harvesting the noise of nature,

you run a circuit that has really complex and uncomputable dynamics,

right? And so you get kind of streams of bits that look random. And

that process takes a lot of entropy, right? Because a random stream

of bits is kind of like heat in the sense of

connection between thermodynamics and information, and you're using electricity

to produce that heat, right? So it's like you're running an electric heater on your

chip, literally, is the analogy to thermodynamics, right? And

then, okay, so now you have a random bit stream that's not computationally useful

unless you happen to want to do coin flips, right? So then what you have

to do is you have to take that random bit stream and essentially filter it to

get samples from the distribution that you're actually working with. right?

And that step of filtration also takes a ton of energy because

now it's like you're taking this bowl of heat you have and you're putting it inside of

a freezer to cool it back down a little bit, right? So the

process of sampling on a digital computer is thermodynamically

pretty similar to running an electric heater inside of a freezer to

achieve some kind of intermediate temperature. So it's a little bit ridiculous, right?

When you look at it from that perspective, it's like, this doesn't make sense, but it's

clear how we got here, right? Because digital computers are really nice and they're

very easy to scale. So it's convenient to do things this way,

but it's from first principles, it's not even close to the best ways.

Yeah. This approach to sampling is like so inefficient on

digital computers that people, unless you're like on a Wall Street

where things are super mission critical and you're willing to throw a ton of compute to

get the best quality sort of uncertainty for

your decision-making, unless you're on Wall Street, you end up trying

to avoid sampling entirely, right? Because it's

too costly on our deterministic devices. Again, as Trevor

mentioned, it's really unnatural for our deterministic devices to be probabilistic. And

so another way, instead of sampling, to represent probability distributions is

usually through deep learning. And what deep learning does is it usually

starts with very sort of trivial randomness, like

a Gaussian blob, a single Gaussian blob, and then it deforms that

blob to shape it into the shape of the data. So it's

a high-dimensional blob, and high-dimensional data could be like images,

text, whatnot. But it has to use many, many transformations

to take that very simple randomness and transform it into the

shape of the data. And very often, that sort

of fails to capture the tail events, the

tail distributions, a low data regime, right? When you're focused

on like covering everything with one blog, essentially, you're

just going to cover sort of the center of mass or like, of

probability mass, like the typical data, right? You'd be focused on

that. And you're going to need like, more and more and more dimensions and

more and more parameters in a deeper and deeper

transformation that's more and more complex. So you need more parameters, more

data, more compute in order to reach in that sort

of low data regime in those tail events that are very rare,

right? And so we've been seeing that with sort of self-driving cars.

In self-driving cars, we've just been throwing metric

tons of data at the self-driving problem to

reach a level that a human reaches with like 10 hours

of driving classes, right? And there's clearly way more than 10 hours

of data in all the data sets of all the players. And

so that's sort of fundamentally the reason that

current day deep learning is not

quite the end game. We think that this sort of probabilistic approach

where you can use very little data and you

can fill in the blanks with noise, with entropy and uncertainty, Right?

If you don't know something, you don't have data, you should fill it out with uncertainty.

But that process of sort of painting everything with

a noisy brush is very costly, because you got to sample,

you got to like, you got to explore those parts of landscape, you got

to kind of hallucinate everything that's not data, or,

you know, within your model, within the scope of your model, and sort of penalize the things

that are too far from data. And that sort of process of hallucinating

all these possibilities and making those corrections, for

the technical folks, it's called contrastive learning. That

process usually requires sampling, and that's very costly, so

people avoid it. So they stick to these sort of taking these Gaussians and

deforming them. That's how old school Old school neural

nets like variational autoencoders work. It's somewhat how

diffusion models work. Diffusion models kind of mix in the noise as

you go to some extent, simple noise. But

that's kind of the common pattern essentially. So both

from a sort of hardware standpoint, it's inevitable

that we're gonna have to go stochastic because matter is

jiggly and so your transistors are are technically jiggly,

and so will the electrons hopping across it. And so it's going to

get stochastic. And the algorithms want to go probabilistic to

be more data efficient. And so that's why we're building the whole

stack. And we think it's going to be disruptive for everyone. And that's why

we're really excited to sort of put our thesis out there of

the future of AI, which is very contrary and very different, but if

it succeeds, it changes everything, right? And so, at

least to us, from first principles of mathematics, information theory,

probability theory, physics, thermodynamics, this is the future. And

Yeah, basically. I love

it. So to take just a tiny step back, can you talk about what

is it that makes a GPU so good at

doing that sort of estimation task, basically, of

making it so that you have this really crazy distribution and

GPUs do the deep learning approach, right? Because they suck at

the sampling approach, right? So often people use

CPUs for Monte Carlo sampling because

it's a very serial task. You gotta like have little walkers that travel. You're

simulating a sort of particle in this landscape, whereas we use

literal particles to do that job, right? So

a GPU really got lucky, right? A GPU was not

imagined from first principles to be a processor for

AI. It was a graphics processor that did

really well with matrix multiplications. And

it turns out that, you know, these transformations that I was talking about

to morph a simple distribution into

a complicated one, a lot of those transformations, the

big computational element, are matmuls, matrix

multiplications, right? And so GPUs are accelerators for

that. And so most attempts that you've read

in the news or over the past several years that

have been trying to accelerate software

for AI, they've been focusing on accelerating matrix

multiplication, which first of all, you're competing with NVIDIA. Good

luck with that. Jensen will eat your lunch and thank you for it. But

Trevor, you have some first principles reasons why you think And

from the back of the envelope principle, you know, any sort of matrix multiplication

accelerator has a fundamental bottleneck, and

it's not worth necessarily pushing in that area. It's much more

interesting to try to disrupt how

you do the entire algorithm rather than just a subroutine, right, Trev?

Yeah, so the basic reasoning here is if

you go into PyTorch or something and profile a

neural network like a transformer, right, what you'll

find is that you spend about 25% of your time

moving things in and out of memory, right? So what

that means is if you accelerate the other 75% down

to zero time using your fancy accelerator, maybe some

kind of optical MatMul accelerator, right, that literally does the math of

the speed of light, you still only have a 4x speedup because

you're still paying the 25% of time to move things

in and out of memory, right? So accelerating part

of an algorithm only ever gets you kind of a modest speedup.

And so you do a lot better if you look at tasks that are much more

compute bound, like sampling. So

that was kind of another reason we thought this

Is there a reason that you can't do, so I'm, this is maybe skipping ahead,

we haven't really talked about this yet, but you hinted at it when you said that, hey, this

Gaussian, whatever, this like normal distribution

thing isn't gonna be the answer for the future. Like

you wanna do different types of probability distributions with your

chips, right? And can you talk a little bit about why that is? Like what is

so wrong about this normal distribution? And then why

can't we just do those other distributions with normal, like analog or

Yeah, that's a great question, actually. We

use Gaussian or normal distributions, right? It's basically what

is known as a bell curve. We use those all the

time because we can actually keep track, like

fundamentally, what is a Gaussian? It's like a blob, there's

where is it in space, and then how is it squished along which

axis, right? And by how much, right? So

the squishing is a matrix called covariance matrix, and the position is

called a mean, right? And if you have that vector in

a matrix, you fully specify the distribution. So essentially,

it's a way to cheat and have deterministic computers represent distributions,

because they just need to store a matrix and a vector. And they're they have

a proxy for distribution. And you can sort of analytically for

many simple transformations, keep track of how the

Gaussian gets morphed, right? And these tricks

are actually why diffusion models work so well, right? Diffusion

models, they approximate every transformation as like a

slight transformation of a Gaussian. And

so essentially, it's kind of an artifact of them being

some of the, I mean, obviously the simplest distributions you can come up with. And

essentially being easily representable by a classical computer. If

your computer can natively represent much more complicated distributions, we

wouldn't have that sort of bias, right? And the

problem is, you know, there's distributions that have much longer tails, right?

They're not just so concentrated around one

mode. They have all sorts of, you know,

blobs and long tails where, you

know, a very, you know, very low likelihood event

still has, like, a non-trivial probability, whereas Gaussians, as

you get far away, you know, they get, like, more than exponentially low

probability as you get away from the mode. And so, you

know, many machine learning algorithms and machine learning algorithms are

really good at modeling the typical case Right.

And we feel this with LLMs. Right. They're kind of like basic. Right.

Like they're really good at like typical things, but like, it's like, I

need this sort of like edge case. I

need this sort of edgy thing. Like they can't, they can't go there with

you. Right. But human brains can. Why is that? It's so weird. Right. Like, just

like if we, if you're driving and you

see something that's never been in a dataset on the road, you don't

like glitch out. You like, you generalize. Right. And so.

Fundamentally, it's like the constraints of

the hardware, deterministic hardware has constrained our thinking in

terms of where the algorithms are going and

where they should stay. And that

has sort of held back AI. So something, you

know, our ultimate goal here by proposing new hardware is

to also disrupt how software and AI

works and which algorithms tend to dominate and do well when

But what is it about those algorithms that make it impossible or

impractical to model them using a classical computer? It seems like,

I don't know, when I was a stats monitor, I could do a little binomial

plot, you know what I mean? That's a non-Gaussian distribution. What

I mean, if you try to sample directly from a hundred million dimensional distribution,

right, you know, directly without using

Well, the fundamental reason, right, is like, if I have,

let's not go to a hundred million dimensions. Let's start with one and two.

If I have a one dimensional distribution, right, that's just a

function in 1D. So I can slice that function up

into n chunks and store those n chunks in memory, and now I have a

representation of the distribution. Now I go to two

dimensions. Instead of having n chunks, I have a

grid of n squared chunks. So now I

have to store n squared things in memory to represent the distribution

in generality. What if I go to d dimensions? If

I have n slices along each dimension, I have a d-dimensional hypercube

of things to store in memory, which grows really fast, right? So the

general point here is that the complexity of representing a

totally general probability distribution tends to grow exponentially

in the dimensionality of the system. Right. And so, um,

and obviously there's like a lot of caveats that argument because the

representation, uh, like the complexity of the distribution doesn't

have to be exponential, but it can be. And that's kind of the key thing that makes

this difficult on a classical computer. Um, you

can't store them in memory. So you have to sample and sampling has all of

these problems I discussed earlier. So dude, you're just

And so is this something that, was this thought, like this kind

of train of thinking, was this what led people to want quantum computers in

the first place? It's like we can represent these super high dimensional aspects

of reality by just remaining high dimensional, by

Yes. Yeah. So that was a big, so back

in our days in quantum computing, I would just keep hammering home Don't

use a quantum computer for probabilistic machine learning or classical machine

learning, as we call it, because quantum computers are really good

at quantum interference, not necessarily probabilistic inference. Yes,

you can. It's kind of like using a

rocket that's on, you know, rockets are finicky and

less reliable to ship something across town. It doesn't make sense,

right, intraday, right? It doesn't make sense. It is gonna blow up. You

know, there's a chance it's gonna blow up. Like, why would you do that, right? Sure,

like, in principle, it could go much faster, but, like, there's

a chance it could blow up. So what we've seen is sort of, yes,

on paper, a quantum computer can do slightly better

for probabilistic inference. I've written a bunch of papers on this, because I

wanted to, like, rule it out properly, right? So I've spent the

last eight years, I guess I put out my last paper in this space, a

week ago for fun, because it was on my shelf for two years, but I

thoroughly studied, can you do classical machine learning on a quantum computer? It

seems to me like the main advantage is instead of

having sort of jiggly particles that hop above sort

of barriers in landscape, you can tunnel through. So there's an

advantage if your landscape has very thin barriers, because you

have a form of quantum tunneling, right? So sometimes,

like in very special cases, you can find an

optimum a bit faster, but when you do the whole systems

thinking, the full stack thinking of like, okay, I

have a quantum computer, I'm gonna have an error correcting system that's like 99% of

the computer, 99% plus of the computer is the error correcting system, and

I'm gonna have the cooling, and I'm gonna have the control systems, why the

heck am I going through all that trouble for this tiny speedup, right? So basically, it's

not worth using a quantum computer for these sort of low order polynomial speedup,

these sort of, hey, you know, like, I

get a square root speedup, and it's still slow,

it's still relatively slow, and I have to prop up this huge

computer to do it, when you could do it

just, you know, much cheaper on even a classical digital

computer. And so in our case, instead of trying to seek

sort of asymptotic, what is called asymptotic speed ups, like in quantum

computing, like there's, there's literally different complexity classes,

if you have a quantum mechanical computer versus a classical computer, we're

just, we're not trying to violate any sort of laws of complexity theory, we're

just doing, you know, Classical algorithms, algorithms

that you can simulate theoretically on a classical computer, we're

just doing them way faster by a large, like

sort of constant factor speed up, right? And

that constant factor speed up is several orders of magnitude.

sometimes more than can fit on one hand, depends on the algorithm.

But before we pin down exactly

what those speed ups are in the public, we want to put

out some careful scientific works. So stay

tuned for that. But it's very substantial. It's enough that it's

worth going through this exercise of rebuilding

the whole stack from first principles, right? That seems like a huge change,

right? We're taking a fork in the tech tree. We're forking off

the root node. That seems like a huge effort. Is it worth the payout? We think so,

at least from first principles. And so that's why we're really

excited, you know, and that's why we're kind of, you know, we've been

very secretive. Unfortunately, I got As

we know, I got doxxed in December. The plan was always to reveal more in

March. And so here we are. So it's right on schedule.

But our goal here is for people to be open minded about

the future of AI. I know right now it just feels like the

current labs doing LLMs, that's the end game's future. They've

captured the market. It's over. You either work for one of these companies or

you missed out, right? I don't think so. That's the beauty. of

disruption. That's the beauty of this sort of techno capital acceleration. A

couple of crazy kids, you know, with one

or two GPUs can have an idea that can, you

Yeah, that drive, like the reason behind

that makes a lot of sense. I think that the promise of

quantum computers, at least the way that I understood it, was that eventually they're

going to be so, they're going to get, you know, n squared number

of operations in the same amount of bits or whatever. So

we're going from bits to qubits. And when we have qubits, like

pretty soon we're going to have quantum supremacy because you can see like even

the biggest classical computer will be so much smaller than this puny, you

know, or even this very small quantum computer. But

there are problems. There are things that it's not simply captured in

the number of bits or qubits. There are other considerations that

you have to have when building a quantum computer. And I imagine that you two probably have

very strong opinions about that. So I would love to ask you about that. Maybe Trevor,

There. So for stars, it's funny you mentioned quantum

supremacy. The way we achieved quantum supremacy back in the

We were there. We were there a thousand years ago when it happened. Only

Yeah. Back in the day. The problem

that I have with quantum computing, and the main reason I stopped working

on it, is because most of the phenomenon that

are important to humans do not have long-range quantum

coherent effects. So all atoms are governed by

quantum mechanics, but things that are macroscopically observable, that

involve a large number of atoms, don't

need to be simulated on a quantum computer, right? Like our classical models

of them work really well. And so that's one of the fundamental reasons

it's been difficult to find a practical advantage in

quantum computing, right? Like we have these kind of, you know, there's like

a Shor's factoring algorithm, which is like the most common

thing people tout that it's going to like break RSA and whatever, and it

might, but we can just use a different crypto protocol

that isn't broken by a discrete log and

such. So it's very unclear,

even if we had a big quantum computer, what you would do with it.

And that, to me, kind of made it hard to

dedicate my life to it, right? Because the physics

and engineering challenges involved in building quantum computers are

extremely formidable. And after you do that for

I, you could see that Trevor worked close to the metal where,

you know, the challenges are extremely hard. And, you

know, I was a theorist and an algorithmist, you know,

a bit isolated away from the difficulties. I was aware of it

because I would talk to my neighbors and so on. But, you know, the ideal

thing with quantum computers is that they can represent

and sample from states of very high quantum complexity, right?

So, if you have a state of very high complexity, but

it's still, you could still sample from it with Monte Carlo, you

could just run, again, a Monte Carlo algorithm, maybe it's a million times slower than

doing it by nature, but it's still, you're still going to

get there. You know, you just throw a lot of compute at it, you're going to get there, you

know, it scales linearly. The thing with quantum complexity is

that it scales up in some cases super exponentially, like

in terms of how much classical compute you need to use in

order to replicate that distribution. What was achieved in the

Google quantum supremacy experiment and then later surpassed by

Chinese simulations and then reiterated by Google

quantum, so it's been kind of a little race there, but

essentially it was just sampling from any sort of quantum

program that you can't sample from with a classical

computer, even if you were to throw most compute on earth towards

that end. And that was achieved, I would say,

so I don't think there's anything stopping us from achieving

that. I know it's still controversial, but essentially

the promise there was that, okay, if we can show we can sample

from these complicated distributions, right? The narrative, at

least for the quantum AI side, was that, okay,

well, if we have these classes of distributions, maybe

we could search over that space and represent very highly complex states

in nature with these complicated distributions on our computer, right?

And then map one to the other, and that unlocks the ability for us

to sort of understand matter at a quantum mechanical level.

There, there was a lot of challenges to train such such

distributions because when they get really complicated, they get really

hard to train. It kind of is a sort of conservation of difficulty. So

until the hardware gets much better, it's very hard. for

you to use a quantum computer, even if you're trying

to just generally model nature in sort of native fashion,

right? You're trying to model quantum mechanics of nature with a quantum mechanical computer,

running a quantum mechanical AI representation. It's still difficult because

if the computer's not reliable enough, you can't make it big enough, you can't run

the easily trainable representations, and you're kind of screwed. And

so from the algorithmic standpoint, it was also sort of doomed

in the near term, I'm more of an optimist than Trevor. I think,

you know, humans are really smart. I think on a 20 year time

scale, people are going to figure it out. But again, for us, it's like, okay, we're

trying to do all these applications where it's not clear that

you need quantum complexity, right? Really what you

just want is a computer that allows you to do probabilistic

machine learning and optimization very

cheaply, very energy efficiently, and very fast. And

for us, it's like from first principles of thermodynamics of computing, it's

not going to be a digital computer, it's deterministic, it's not going to be a quantum computer, it's

going to be a thermodynamic computer that achieves that. And so that's what we

got to build. And so that's why we left all the secret labs. You

know, I was at Google Apps working for Sergey and Trevor

was like a different black ops lab in Santa Barbara. And

then we joined forces. We both kind of left that. And

now we're here. And now we have this thesis that

we've kind of kept close to the chest. But, you know, now

we're telling it to the world and we're asking if people want to join us. And

Yeah. And one more point on quantum computing that's interesting

in contrast to what we're doing at Extropic. To build

a quantum computer, you have to build some really weird system at large

scale. So that might be superconducting circuits where you're

making Joseph's injunctions, which are not new, but at

least a relatively new object, you might be doing neutral

atoms where you have to build these big arrays of optical tweezers and tables

and tables of lasers. Trapped ions is very much the same thing.

My point here is that the kind of manufacturing and supply chain

for all of these things is extremely immature. And so there's

going to be decades of challenge just there, achieving scale, right? Versus

if you build a thermodynamic computer, what you need to do that

is a noisy circuit. And I can think of lots of ways

to make noisy circuits that lean heavily on

the way we know how to make circuits today, right? Like the whole semiconductor industry.

So that's ultimately what we're chasing here is something that

we can do, you know, in this decade, not several decades from

Yeah, so that's a perfect tie-in. Let's just hop right in and

start talking about what you guys basically announced in this light paper. I

mean, you mentioned Joseph's injunctions. That appears strongly

in the light paper. We

talked earlier about having to keep quantum computers extremely cold, and

I believe that that also is true of this first wave that you've announced

here too. I don't know, from a first blush, I would imagine some

people would think, well, it sounds kind of familiar. What you just said is like, you know, hard to do.

So what's the value there?

We're starting within our neighborhood and we're taking a path

to sort of room temperature and large scale manufacturability, right? We're going

from the bottom up. We're going from the very cold, using similar building blocks

to what we're used to engineering and quantum computing and operating

them in a thermodynamic regime where there's no more quantum coherence. There's

no superpositions of states anymore. It's just fuzz,

probabilistic fuzz over states. And that's where we're operating the

devices, right? And for us, it was just our native

language. It was the first sort of concept of a programmable and

parametric thermodynamic computer we thought of

building. And that was basically our first prototype. And

for us, there's a lot of learnings there of like, how do you even program this thing?

How do you map all sorts of applications to it? What is programming gonna

look like? How fast can it get, right? And showing

the world, hey, this is how efficient you can have neural

computing, computing for AI be and how fast it can be,

fast and efficient, speed and efficiency. It's

very similar to the Tesla Roadster, super expensive, very

exotic, had to import a bunch of parts from all

sorts of suppliers, wasn't vertically integrated yet. And

then that's a stepping stone towards a large scale mass production, in

our case, eventually room temperature. chip that we're going to build.

And we have a roadmap to that. And so for now, we're

just showcasing the world what's possible. Hey, you

have this new paradigm that's coming, we have a first instance of it, but

we have a roadmap to get to sort of having a thermodynamic

Yeah, like in CMOS. So like, you

know, the same way you make your digital computer that you're likely watching this

on, we know how to make thermodynamic computers using

the same manufacturing technology that operates at room temperature, which

So how do they work? What's the, you know, what's the,

like, can you explain the 101 of what is

Yeah, I mean, let's talk about, let's focus on the superconducting chip,

that's the one we're disclosing, the CMOS stuff, you know, we're keeping

on a high level for now. It's the same concept, a lot of the software maps over

in thinking, but it's, you know, just like in quantum computers, you can have

different substrates, right? There's optical ion trap, you

know, photonic superconducting quantum

computers. There's many ways to do it through a computer. This is

a first way. There's gonna be a better way later, but for now,

we're talking about this one. So this one, Trevor's

going to give you a much better, more technical explanation. But essentially, we're

just using jiggles of electrons that happen in superconductors. In

superconductors, electrons like to bundle up. They like to pair up.

They're called Cooper pairs. And when they pair up, they can pass through each

other. That's why there's sort of no friction, you know, there's no

traffic congestion for your electrons in superconductors. That's why they're

superconducting, right? They have way less resistance. For us,

the superconducting aspect is more to have a

sort of non-linearity in the landscape. So that means not it being

a simple Gaussian, right? So if you have a simple LC circuit like

you do in high school, you know, and you add some, some

noise to it, you're going to get a Gaussian out of it. But we didn't want

that. We wanted programmable. super general, fully general landscape.

Essentially, what we do is something called energy-based

models. I'm more on the software side. Trevor's going to give you more

of the hardware side picture. But energy-based models

are models where you try to model data

distributions as equilibrium states called Boltzmann

distributions of certain parameterized landscapes. So

essentially you shape some hills, right? We

have little knobs that we could tweak and it changes

the shape of some hills and we pour some

sort of, you know, just a bucket of bouncy balls

and keep shaking it as we go, right? And that's it,

right? And then the algorithm is just changing this landscape over

time and the bouncy balls kind of flow. But, you know, on average, the

probability mass of where your bouncy balls are. kind of changes and

we guide those bouncy balls. For us, the bouncy balls are literally

electrons, but theoretically, you

can make it out of all sorts of other stuff. But in

our case, that's it. Essentially, we have a programmable probabilistic

computer that has parameters that you can train in

order to morph this sort of equilibrium distribution of

the bouncy balls by morphing the sort

of landscape in which they're dancing. And

we have algorithms that are physics-based to tune that sort of landscape

that correspond to machine learning, you know, like cross-entropy

minimization, which is what transformers do and diffusion models do,

amongst others. And so essentially there's a

connection between, you know, machine learning really is operationalizing

information theory, information theory and entropy, right? The

theory of entropy from Claude Shannon. appears in thermodynamics as

well, right? So we're instantiating information theory as

thermodynamic processes. And so that's the bridge between machine learning and

Trevor, do you want to go, Trev? Yeah. Sure. I

mean, actually, you kind of have absorbed my talking points at

this point, so that was pretty close to what I

would say. I'll add a layer of

generality. In a sense, any circuit you build experiences

thermal noise, so that the charges that are moving around your circuit

are getting battered around by vibrating atoms. So

every circuit you build works that way. The

trick in designing something that's not

just kind of noisy, but very noisy, is

that you have to make sure that the noise is

significant compared to the other energy scales in

your device. Right, so that's kind of where the device physics

and hardware engineering, more hardcore stuff

kind of comes in. But once you figure out how to get into

that regime, basically all you need is some kind of circuit component

that's tunable, that lets you kind of change where

the electrons prefer to sit. And that

gives you a programmable sampling machine,

basically, right? So the principles at play here are

pretty generic and you can imagine a ton of different ways

to build it. And so we're just kind of thinking like, well,

what's the most scalable thing we have? semiconductors.

So basically, I think the thing that is still confusing to me is like,

what's the input and what's the output? So the input, as I

understand it, is you're giving like weights or whatever to each

of these things, each of these, what would you

I mean, it's like a neural network, right? You have inputs, like data, and

then you might have outputs, and then you have parameters. And those are

So you have the parameters which you input, which are the ways

To be more concrete, I think that'll be helpful. You could think of

like data and parameters as voltages, right?

So I apply some voltage to the circuit, which changes

how it behaves in some way, right? And that changes the distribution that

the charges will follow, right? And when you want

to take something out of the circuit, what you're doing is

observing it. So the circuit will

have a bunch of degrees of freedom that are kind of moving randomly under

the influence of thermal noise. And basically what I can do is I

can hook an amplifier up to the circuit and measure one of

those signals. And so doing that lets me observe

the random dynamics of the circuit. And if I do that over

and over again, as long as I leave a long enough time in between observations,

In the bouncy ball analogy, right, you have your landscape, you poured a

bunch of bouncy balls, still shaking a bit in this landscape, right?

Eventually it would equilibrate to some sort of distribution. Sampling

is like applying a sort of porous grating on

top and letting a bouncy ball sort of hop out. And

from that, you can infer where that bouncy ball comes from. That gives

you one sample, one bouncy ball from the probability mass

of where they all are, right? So that gives you one snapshot. If

you take many snapshots, there's all sorts of algorithms that you

can use those sort of what are called estimators of where the

distribution is as a sort of

signal, either for learning or inferring what values

you're predicting, right? That position could be like the

value of a pixel, an image, right? But

you have probability distributions over everything, right?

Yeah. Interesting. So is that, so the

translation from thermal land back to normal digital

land, I assume still has to happen. Like you still, in order to show something

on my screen, which is a digital screen, like I need to get those

values out. But that's what you're talking about right there. You're saying that whatever we're

basically, you're able to sample and pull out these electrons

or whatever they are, see where they fell, and then that

gives you the value that you need for like a color or for a letter

You're going from this cloud of bouncy balls to, okay, this one is

definite, now I have it, it came from here, right? So, that's a deterministic sample

out of a probabilistic sort of distribution, right? And

so, and there's this old, Yeah,

there's this old thought experiment called Maxwell's

Demon that if you observe a

probabilistic system, it's going to cost you energy to get that information. So for

us, our goal, instead of having to sample

a lot from the device and always have to relay things with

classical computers, we're trying to do as much as

possible natively in probabilistic physics because that's much lower power.

It's going to cost less energy because observing things costs energy.

And that's sort of like what, so one of the things

I understand is like wrong or whatever with quantum computers is that step basically.

Like how do you get the thing out of the quantum, like qubit representation and

put it into a normal, like classical bit. And so are

there similar problems that you run into in this thermal world versus in

the quantum world with that, like basically with the, you

know, that pulling out of the other regime into the normal regime? Like

I imagine in this world to be more specific that you're,

the thing reading the voltage or whatever could be itself noisy. And so you

don't know whether you're actually getting the value that you intend to

get in the translation step out of the thermal system.

So that's where the real work comes

in, right? Is how do I design these various circuits to

In quantum computing, it's called the readout problem, right? It's like I'm

at the quantum regime where we're down to literally few

quantums of energy, right? That's where the word quantum comes

from. We're a few more energy

packets than quantum. We're a bit higher energy than that. But

still, for us, it becomes a problem of amplifying that signal, right?

So ideally, you don't want to have to

have your observations get off of your thermodynamic computer or your quantum computer

into a classical computer and then back. That's very slow. In fact, that's been

a problem with most quantum computers today. If

you try to use them for these sort of quantum deep learning

algorithms, that iteration loop to optimize your parameters way

too slow. Getting those samples out and then getting

that feedback loop update way too slow. And so our

insight is that eventually we want to do that as physics, as

a physical process in the device. And so,

And basically, whenever you want a signal to

travel far, you need to amplify it a lot, right?

Because there's more, like when a single has to physically travel

further through some like weird environment, right? More noise hits it.

And so it's kind of interesting about our approach is you could imagine putting

a lot of this stuff in the same package, right? It's

a CMOS all the way down. So potentially we'll

Huh. Wow. Okay. This is sort of breaking

my brain, but in like a good way. Like I, it's like, it's coming together.

Like, I think, I think I'm picking up what you guys are putting down. Um, I,

so I have a question about like, basically if there's an analog

to like coherence here, like quantum coherence is obviously a

big problem where you can, you did the thing just collapses and

that it like loses its quantum properties. Basically. Do you, does

that happen to you guys when things are, um, like too

big basically because there was a part of the light paper where you said we

got to keep it small we got to keep it low power because then these crazy

So we explicitly don't have quantum coherence, to

be clear. Quantum effects are actually important in

transistors. That's one of the things that limits how small you can make

them is quantum tunneling. But there's a difference between observing

a quantum effect and having a coherent quantum state. Quantum

tunneling in CMOS is not coherent because it's at room temperature. So

that's one tangent. I think the closest analogy

we have to that is if you have a device that's too

big in the right sense of big, you end up

with technically still probabilistic, but

I would say metastable systems in a sense that

if I have two wells with a giant energy barrier between them,

It's very unlikely that thermal noise is going to ever kick you over that barrier, right?

So that thing is going to look more like a digital bit. And so you have to

So for us, it's like the opposite, right? So quantum coherence is

like, it's like the time until your quantum

computer starts to thermalize, until the noise starts seeping in and

affecting things. We want the noise to start seeping in as fast

as possible and for things to equilibrate as fast as possible. So we

have something called the thermalization time. And we want that to be fast.

So for us, it's actually the opposite. We want more noise and

it helps us go faster in many ways. And so

that's the lesson we learned. Instead of trying to extend coherence

times, it's like, hey, nature wants to thermalize. Let

it rip, right? And so let's use that. Let's

use that natural tendency as a building block for our algorithms.

And so it's kind of dual. It's like the opposite of coherence time.

It's like decoherence time. How fast can you decoherence? Yeah,

exactly. So it's like switching sides, you know, half times.

Yeah. Very cool. So what I imagine that when

you both started out on this, and maybe this is a good time to talk sort of about your backgrounds, but

or like how you guys got to, we talked about a little bit at the beginning, but I'd

be curious, like, I imagine at the very beginning of this project, it

was like a glimmer of an idea. And you were like, okay, probably

it's not gonna work, but like, maybe it will. And that will, how sweet would that

be? But then now, you guys have so much further

down that path of like actually building some chips. Like I saw your

little chip at that party, Gil. And like, it's

so, you're so much further down the idea maze and

like the, you know, you must have more confidence now. So I'm curious to

hear, like how much more confident are you that this is actually going to

We have a lot of confidence that the

local neighborhood of ideas we're exploring here with sort of the intersection of

probabilistic machine learning and stochastic electronics is

the future of computing for AI. We

have a couple hypotheses of what that looks like, and we

got a couple bets in that sort of local neighborhood. We're not even married

to one substrate, as you can see. So even in terms of algorithms, we have

a couple bets there. But we're pretty sure that

something in this neighborhood is the future from first principles. And

we've built that conviction from doing these investigations and

having a larger team to sort of paralyze our learning over the

past year and a half or whatnot since the founding. For

me, this idea was a super slow simmer over

the past eight years. Well, eight years if you include time at

Xtropic. And it was an idea that seemed so crazy that

I thought I had lost my mind or something. And I wanted to sanity check

by working in quantum computing, like, hey, we're going to learn a lot

about how to do physics-based computing and imbue AI

into physical systems with quantum

AI, and those learnings will bring to sort of this

alternative form of computation. And so, you

know, that's been a sort of slow exploration in the idea maze, like

Backburner idea, but then I think I think the point of

going all in and burning the boats, right? Like, turning

down every big tech job, selling everything, moving back home with the parents. Obviously,

I don't love my parents anymore. But, you know, that

was a big move, right? Swallowed a lot of my pride, but then I had a lot

of skin in the game, right? It's like, I either make this work... You

only have one life, right? If you have an idea that you think is your

greatest idea of your life, that you think is gonna have the most impact to helping civilization,

you gotta go all in. And so, at that point, going

all in, was what we needed. And then,

you know, getting Trevor on board was a matter of time. Just

had to convince him to drop out from MIT. That

took a couple months. But, you know, and at that point, once he came

in, you know, things really accelerated. Because, you know, we've worked together before.

We shipped TensorFlow Quantum. Again, that was a similar

scenario. It's like, there is no adults in

the room. There's no guidance. The field didn't exist. Big

tech people were asking us where it's going and to

build it. And the best way to predict the future is to invent it

and build it. And that's what we did back then. And that's what we're

doing now again. So Trevor, do

you want to add to that? I'll look for my chip. I think it's somewhere

No, I think you pretty much covered that. I mean, personally, you

know, I feel that computing has to go this way. I've,

you know, I've been thinking about noise and computing and

how they might help each other, how they harm each other for basically like my

entire, you know, academic and adult life. So it's a topic

that's very near and dear to me. And when you kind of combine the

theoretical angles with the fact that we want

devices to be small, when things are small, thermal fluctuations

are important, and therefore devices become noisy, it

all seems kind of inevitable to me. And I

really think what we're doing is inevitable. So in

that sense, I have a lot of confidence. that

Totally. So I think that you mentioned

the category or whatever, like this category of ideas seems right. Ooh, there

we go. There's some hardware. A little metal

There you go. Old chip. Yeah. There you go. It's almost as

big as your people. That's wild. So this one's made out of

aluminum. That's like the easiest process to start with.

There's other fancy superconducting metals we can experiment with that can operate at

a higher temperature. But for us, we

came from quantum computing. This was kind of our lingua franca. And

we know how to build modular physics-based devices out of the substrate. So

it was somewhere to start. But, you know, obviously we have a long

road ahead because, you know, if you're an alien and you don't

have earthly supply chains that are already established, you

build your thermodynamic computer out of this, right? But of course, for

us to grow on a fast timescale, we got to meet in

the middle where existing supply chains add and

find sort of mineral ground. That's where we're going to silicon. I

like to joke that this is the floor of

computers aliens would build from first principles. But

of course, if you have the deep pockets to

scale up superconducting technology, you might be interested in this and you can give

us a call and we can work with you. Including

the aliens, they're listening to this. Give

us a call. But hey man, I don't judge.

So yeah, essentially, yeah.

So you mentioned the broad category that, you know, this idea is

a part of seems like the right one. It's, you know, for physical reasons,

for like, you know, like the frustrations you had in quantum reasons. are

you guys are one of one? Are you guys the only people thinking about

this? Or I know that like neuromorphic computing

is broadly a category, but I don't know if it's like

somewhat applicable to what you guys are doing. Do you consider yourself part

of that broader subfield or more

I think people have been obsessed with sort of biomimicry, right?

They're like, well, if we obsess over every details of

how neurons actually work and we mimic that, something's going

to work, right? We're going to figure out how to program it later. Whereas for us,

it's like, no, no, no, that's not how it works. You got to like start with the algorithm and

then, you know, both top-down and bottom-up sort of engineer this

bridge between what you want to do and the physics of the

device. And that's what we're doing. We've established this sort of full stack bridge. And

that's so interdisciplinary. It's so difficult because you need to have like ML

people talking to physicists, talking to compiler people, talking to hardware

people. It's a very difficult effort, but

we did it before in

Give me a second here. A comment there. Computing

has kind of started as this abstract thing where a

computer meant like a Boolean logic machine, right? But

in the 21st century we're actually starting to see things go

a different way in a sense that computing is

just becoming kind of more widely understood as just

embedding math into a physical process, right? This

started to become really obvious in quantum computing because the

way that people have been successful in quantum computing to date is

you start with the physics of your device and you see what

kind of computations it does relatively naturally, right? Those are

going to be the things that are going to be highest performing. And back

at Google, like the things that we've gotten working on quantum

computers to date are all kind of

things that very naturally map to the physics of the qubits, right?

Padram Rishan, Vadim Semyansky, that's the kind of game they

play there and it's been very successful. So I'm kind

of taking that approach to computing and

bringing it to like room temperature devices that scale, right?

And ultimately what that's going to do is it's going to kind of hack the

last, every last drop of performance out

All right, yeah, what else do you guys want to talk about?

Yeah, no, please. I had an analogy. So an analogy we like

to use about sort of biomimicry versus what we're doing, right?

If you set out to build a flying machine, right, you're

like, oh, well, you know, the proof of existence is out

there, we have birds. right? Birds flap

their wings. They use some form of physical principle we don't quite understand. Let's

make a plane that flaps its wings, right? And

that's going to be the device I make to achieve flight. On

the other hand, you can sort of go up the supply chain

of nature itself, right, of biology. Ultimately, biology

just finds a way to hack some sort of principle in

physics to its own advantage. And so, in this case, it was like

the physics of lift, right, or flight. And

so, when you build an airplane, an artificial system, you

just try to build the best system that

leverages that physical principle that biology found a way to leverage,

not obsessed with biomimicry. So, neuromorphic devices are obsessed with

biomimicry. We just understand how

natural systems leveraged out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics

in order to do probabilistic machine learning natively

as a physical process, and we're building devices that are better

than nature. Like, our neurons are, the superconducting chip, far more efficient than

your brain. Right? Which is astounding because your

brain is like tens of millions of times more

energy efficient than GPU clouds today and much denser. And

we're going more denser and more energy efficient than the brain, which

may scare some people. But, you know, to

us, in order to be able to understand

and predict our world at all scales, There's just so much

intelligence needed for us to scale civilization that we

just need to accelerate as fast as possible and reach the end We're trying

to reach the end of computing, right? We're trying to reach the ultimate substrate

for intelligence in terms of energy and efficiency and density because

that's where everyone is going And so we're like, let's just

go there right away from first principles and see how

far we can get. And I think we can get pretty far. And so that's

what we're going after. So we're taking inspiration from

nature, but really we're just trying to hack physics directly. The

What's interesting about this neuromorphic space, or

neuromorphic or physics-inspired computing, whatever you want to call it,

is that every different kind of device has

its own kind of natural set of algorithms that

it can accelerate, right? Because building a physics-based accelerator means

you're embedding some kind of math that you want the answer to

in the dynamics of an analog system. Right? And

so when you build dramatically different devices, maybe

like a quantum computer is really good at solving the Schrodinger equation, like

a memristor array type of thing is really good

at simulating memristor arrays. Our

computer is really good at sampling from programmable distribution. So

in a sense, the point I'm trying to get at here is there's room for

a lot of different plays in this space because every

accelerator ends up being good at something different. So

in that sense, I don't think there's any real competition out

What do you think the main applications are going to be just that fit

today's world? So, you know, I imagine that you guys will invent some new

stuff, some new software algorithms, your own software, but

is there going to be a one-to-one analog for people that are doing normal

models today that they'll be able to, oh, they'll just plug your thing in instead

Yeah, we definitely want to support current day, you

know, deep learning and machine learning practitioners. Of course, for

us, those applications like large language models are

applications we achieve at scale, right? When our devices scale, because there's

large in the name of large language models, right? And so there's

a lot of machine learning models that are more valuable

to businesses in some ways. that are in the low data regime,

where you need to have probabilistic uncertainty about your predictions, right? Let's

say you're, you're doing a trade, you're pricing options, or, you

know, you're trying to optimize the manufacturing process, every

data point can cost millions, if not billions of dollars. you

don't have that many data points, and it doesn't matter how much compute you want to

throw at it. You want the best possible answer, and

you want to quantify how uncertain you are about your predictions. That's

the sort of algorithm we're trying to enable in the short term.

And so, did I cut out there? No,

I did not. Okay. I did that. So that's the sort of algorithm

we want to enable. And so that's a different regime

than the big data, big compute regime or big classical compute regime. We're

liking the extreme compute regime. We harness a lot of

that compute from nature, right? The probabilistic compute for practically

free just from heat from nature. But we're

going to tackle sort of low data regime probabilistic

algorithms, right? And we think that these are

actually in some ways more useful than

large language models for businesses. Or

at least a nice sort of dual to them or another

type of machine learning that is synergistic. And

so for us, sort of the LLM market

is interesting. That's where we want to get to. But in the early days,

it's going to be these sort of other algorithms that maybe are more popular in

Let's just say that. Like how there's lots of room in

device space for new things, I think there's lots of room in

AI space for new things, right? It's easy to get caught up in

what's most important today, but you have to take a second and

have some perspective. We're really early in

AI. This is like the birthing years, right?

And so the technology that, I mean, there's never going to be an

ultimate technology. There's always going to be a new and better thing. But, you know, looking

10 years down the line, 20 years down the line, that stuff

might have no resemblance to what we're doing today, right?

This is the next S-curve. We think that current AI,

it's scaling, it's very impressive. It's going to hit some

sort of saturation, might be the data bottleneck. I think definitely the

energy bottleneck, right? You've got

to move mountains. 7 trillion. 7 trillion, right? Just throw 7 trillion

at it. It's going to fix everything. you know, we think there's a

better way. We're already working on the next S-curve, right, after

this one. So it takes time to ramp up to the level where

we're at the state of the art, but we know that, again,

by 2030 or so, we're probably gonna hit a wall in

terms of scaling down our current deterministic transistor technology

because they're gonna hit this sort of thermodynamic regime. Their wobbliness

is gonna be a problem. We're building beyond Moore's wall. So we're

gonna enable us to extend Moore's law in a sense,

just for AI and probabilistic computing, not

for general computing, but that's still great because that's where

we want the extreme scale compute anyways. And

so to us, this is the most important thing we could be working on in our lives. And

every day we just wake up with insane levels of internal fire.

We're on a mission to save the world here, and

we kind of hyperstition this, and we're kind of in a position where it

is the case, and it's kind of surreal, of

course, and there's many other things going on in

our lives as well. Most

people's priors is that if we had a successful movement,

couldn't be successful in technology, but for me, I think this

technology, you know, the cultural movement is great and I want more people to

join in on the optimism and to have life paths similar to

ours, if possible, because then everybody would accelerate. But,

you know, ultimately, for me, this mission is

the one I'm like most passionate about. And, you know, I'm

all it, right? This is the meaning and purpose of

our lives. I truly believe that. And that

just gives a deep sense of satisfaction working on this stuff

every day and gives you near infinite

energy somehow. It just comes out of nowhere, right? Like if you have this infinite

goal and you're making progress towards it, it

feels really good. And so any other bump in the road, any challenge, it's

just a temporary setback on this road to

an amazing goal. And so couldn't be more excited to finally, talk

more about it today. It feels very cathartic right now to talk

about it in a sort of public podcast. These have been

like our internal secrets for a while on our

thesis, but the reason we're showing more about

the world is so that people know. People know it's coming. And

if you want to work on this sort of stuff, if you're a talented builder, if

you're ready to run through walls to do this, you should give us a call

So we got four new job postings, but really it's

whoever wants to join us on this journey and believes

in the mission now that we've kind of laid it out, you

know, should talk to us. And so, you know, our goal

is for everyone to accelerate and, you know, in the ethos of, you

know, some of our techno-optimistic thinking, we're putting our

ideas out there. And hopefully

the universe will reward us back for creating

all this value, but we're going to keep going no matter what, because it's the most

And by talk to us, he means apply to our job postings, because if you

DM us on Twitter, it's very likely not

Yeah, I get a lot of DMs. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah. So ideally job posting. Yeah, so

that's our goal today. I love it. Thanks so much, Christian. I

Oh yeah, absolutely. I mean, you guys are the perfect people to have on it. I feel like you

name-dropped first principles many times throughout the podcast, which I am very, very

happy to hear. Awesome. And I hope that people, so people

should know if they didn't know this already, and it'll be linked in the show notes, but there

is a paper we were talking about through this, so they've actually published some

It's just a few ideas to get you thinking. It's

Not yet. That's right. Well, they did have that conference in San Francisco yesterday

that was like how to build a nuclear bomb. So who knows, maybe they're- Right. No,

thank you guys so much for joining. This was awesome. And who knows, maybe

when you get your next chips or when you publish a full white paper, we'll have another one of these and go

That sounds good. Sounds good. Thanks so much. Awesome. Thanks, Christian. Thanks, guys. All right. Cheers.

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

Christian Keil
Christian Keil
Host of First Principles | Chief of Staff @ Astranis
Guillaume Verdon
Guillaume Verdon
Founder & CEO @Extropic_AI • prev: Physics & AI R&D @ (Alphabet X / Google) • Founder @ TensorFlow Quantum • (PhD(ABD) + MMath) @ (IQC / UWaterloo / PI) • e/acc
Trevor McCourt
Trevor McCourt
CTO @Extropic_AI. PhD (ABD) + MSc @MITEECS + @MitQuanta + @FieteGroup. former @GoogleAI Quantum, former @UWaterloo Mechanical Engineering